Full Professor
Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Queen's National Scholar
Dr. Myra Hird seeking a domestic PhD student. The position is open to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents.
Dr. Hird is exploring the potential of Societal Engineering as a new approach to plastics waste reduction technological design. The successful candidate will enrol in the School of Environmental Studies PhD program at Queen’s University with a September 2024 start date.
The guaranteed graduate student stipend for this domestic PhD position is $23K/year for 4 years. Click here for more information on this PhD opportunity!
School of Environmental Studies
Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
Research Domains
Waste Studies
Knowledge Mobilization
Research Creation

Myra J. Hird, D.Phil. (Oxford), FRSC, is a Full Professor in the School of Environmental Studies at Queen’s University and a distinguished interdisciplinary scholar with an international reputation for her multifaceted, collaborative investigations into science studies and environmental issues. Hird represented Canada at the G7 Microplastics Paris meeting (2019) and earned the Queen’s Excellence in Research Prize (2015). She has earned over $11 million in external research funding and has published 12 books and over 80 articles and book chapters on a diversity of topics relating to waste, science studies, material engagements with the environment and inhumanism, and I-EDIAA​. Hird's latest book, co-authored with Hillary Predko, is entitled Extracting Reconciliation: Inhuman Wastes, Indigenous Lands, and Colonial Reckoning (Routledge Press, in press). The book argues that reconciliation constitutes a critical contemporary mechanism through which colonialism is seeking to ensure continuing access to Indigenous lands and resources. Canada’s Waste Flows (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2021) critically explores Canada’s waste crisis and particularly the role of ongoing settler colonialism in creating and maintaining this crisis. A Public Sociology of Waste (2022, Bristol University Press) explores waste as a crisis in global democracy. Dr. Hird is the Director of Waste Flows, an interdisciplinary research project focused on waste as a global scientific-technical and socio-ethical issue. Through her critically acclaimed books and articles, collaborations and public engagement activities, Hird explores how social sciences and humanities may engage with scientific knowledge to better respond to a wide range of global issues, including waste. Dr. Hird is regularly featured on the media outlets such as the CBC’s The National, the BBC, Canadian Geographic and CTV news.

Academic Positions
2006- Full Professor and Queen’s National Scholar, Queen’s University
2020- International Panel of Experts on Behavioral Change – G7 Microplastics
2020- Advisory Board, Posthumanities Hub, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
2020-2023 Distinguished Visiting Professor, École Normale Supérieure
2021- 2023, Royal Society of Canada Committee on Public Engagement
10/2019 G7 Microplastics Meeting, Paris, Canadian Representative
2009-2019 Director, genera Research Group (gRG), Queen’s University
10/2017 Visiting Professor, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2015 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Linköping University
2014 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Linköping University
2013-2014 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Lancaster University and Queen Mary University of London (Leverhulme Trust Fellowship)
05-06/2013 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Uppsala University
04/2013 IRW Distinguished Lecturer, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
01/2010-08/2012 Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Oxford University School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford, UK
05/2012 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
05/2012 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Tema Genus, Linköping University, Sweden
01/2012-04/2012 Visiting Fellow, New College, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
11/2011 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Finnish Research School on Women and Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
06/2011 IAS Visiting Fellowship, Warwick University, Warwick, UK
09/2010 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
06/2008 Visiting Professor, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research, University of Bergen
2007-2008 Visiting Fellow, Lynn Margulis Laboratory, UMass Amherst, USA
2004-2006 Associate Professor and Queen’s National Scholar, Queen’s University
2000-2004 Assistant Professor, Queen’s University, Northern Ireland
July- Dec. 1999 Visiting Fellow, Sociology Dept., London School of Economics, UK;
Centre for Women's Studies, Manchester University, UK; Sociology Dept., University of California at Berkeley, USA
1996-1999 Assistant Professor, Auckland University, New Zealand
1995-1996 Adjunct Professor, Oxford University, UK
Summer 1994; 1995 Adjunct Professor, St. Bonaventure University, USA
1995 Temporary Lecturer, Queen’s, Wadham and St. Catherine’s Colleges, Oxford University, UK

1996 D.Phil. Sociology. University of Oxford
1992 M.S.W. McGill University
1990 B.S.W. Honours. University of Windsor
1985 B.A. University of Western Ontario

Awards and Distinctions
2022 Elected Paul Harris Fellow, The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
​2021 Award for Teaching Excellence, School of Environmental Studies
2015 Queen’s University Prize for Excellence in Research
2015 Entered into Canada’s Who’s Who
2014 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
2014 Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship
2004 Queen’s National Scholar
1994-1996 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
1993-1996 Overseas Research Scheme Award
1992 McGill School of Social Work Award For Excellence In Clinical Practice
1991-1992 McGill University Esther Kerry Award
Research Grants
Over my career, I have secured or helped to secure over $13 million Canadian dollars external and internal funding. External funding includes Tri-Council (SSHRC, NSERC and CIHR), as well as international funding agencies such as Mistra-Formas, France Canada Research Fund and the Velux Foundation. I am the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on most of the funding.
Operating PI or Co-investigator
van Wyck, P. (PI) and Hird, M.J. (co-Applicant). ‘Greening the Atom: Canada, Climate and Questions of a Nuclear Future’, SSHRC Insight Grant, 2024-2029, $277,000.
Van Gulck, J. (PI); Hird, M.J. (co-Applicant) and Jacobs, S. ‘Knowledge Waste and Nunavut’s Material Waste Crisis’, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2024-2026, $74,885.
Hird, M.J. (PI) 'Art and Waste in Panniqtuqq, Nunavut', Mitacs Accelerate Grant, 2023-2024, $15,000.
Hird, M.J. (PI); Jacobs, S.; Cunningham, M.; Yang, L; Walker, T. and Witmer, A. ‘Reducing Canada’s Plastics Waste: A Contextual Engineering Approach to Engineering Plastics Design’, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2023-2025, $41,789.
Koupaie, E. (PI); Elaheh, F.; Hird, M.J.; Ruparathna, R. and Marinova, M. ‘Development of a Data-driven Life-cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Decision Tool for Municipal Organic Waste Management, with CIty of Kingston and Utilities Kingston’, NSERC Alliance Grant (ALLRP), 2023-2026, $1,444,700.
Hird, M.J. (PI), Rowe, R.K. and van Wyck, P. ‘Canada’s Waste Future’, SSHRC Insight Grant, 2013-2024. $344,960 CAD. (The highest SSHRC Insight award at Queen’s University in 2013).
Hird, M.J. (PI) Queen’s University Special Research Award, 2012-, $100,000 CAD.
Operating Collaborator
Santato, Clara (PI) + 10 Co-applicants + 38 Collaborators (Hird, M.J. Collaborator) ‘Collaborative Research and Training Experience in Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design: CREATE SEED’, NSERC, 2020-2026, $1,650,000 CAD.
Holmberg, T. Ideland and Helgesson (Hird, M.J. International Partner) ‘Waste work in the sustainability economy: transforming values of biological waste’, The Swedish Research Council, 2018-2023, 4,200,000SEK/$651,126 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) and Rocher, L. ‘The Waste Atelier: Advancing France-Canada Waste Studies Research’, France Canada Research Fund, 2018-2023, $46,733 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘Canada's Northern Waste Future: Colonial Legacies, Contemporary Development, and Future Opportunities’. SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2015-2023. $73,592 CAD. (The highest scoring SSHRC award throughout Canada for the year 2015).
Rocher, L.; (PI) Garnier, R. and Hird, M.J. (Co-investigator)‘Déchets et territoires périphériques’, Institut des Sciences de l’Homme. 2018-2022, 20,000euros/$30,390 + extension of 20,000/$30,390 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘The Seed Box2: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory’, Mistra-Formas, 2020-2022, 370,000SEK/$51,048 CAD
Whiteley, Louise and Benard, Adam (Hird, M.J., Collaborator) ‘Microbes on the Mind: Public Perceptions of the Implications of Microbiome Research for Mental Illness’, Velux Foundation, 2017-2021, 5,962,777kr/$1,194,730.
Åsberg, C., Hedrén, J., and Neimanis, A. (Hird, M.J., Consortium Member) ‘Environmental Humanities Collaboratory’. The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, and Formas, 2015-2019. $6,448,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘The Seed Box: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory’, Mistra-Formas, 2017-2019, 824,000SEK/$122,255 CAD.
Croy, A. (PI), Graham, C., Tayade, C., Hird, M.J. (Co-investigator) and Smith, G. Canada-Brazil Collaborative Research Fellowship. Funded by Queen’s University and UNICAMP, 2011-2016, $186,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowship, 2016, $6,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowship, 2014, $6,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, The Leverhulme Trust, 2013-2014, $28,092 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) and Rowe, R.K. ‘Citizen Science Solutions to Canadian Waste Management Issues’, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2011-2013, $39,189 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) and Weisbaum, K. ‘Health Research and Society: A Sociological Analysis of Ethical, Public Understanding and Knowledge Translation Issues’, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2009-2012, $89,695 CAD.
Smith, G.N. (PI), Hird, M.J. (Co-applicant) et al. ‘Improving Long-Term Maternal Health’, CIHR Café Scientifique Program, 2010, $3000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI), Walker, M.J. and Smith, G. ‘Capturing the Outcomes and Impacts of Publicly Funded Health Research’, SSHRC Presidential Fund, 2008-2010, $24,963 CAD.
MacDonald, S. (PI), Hird, M.J. and Smith, G. ‘Contacting Patients for Health Research: Translating Ontario’s PHIPA Provisions into Ethical Practice’ Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation (PSI), 2008-2010, $97,500 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘Contesting neoDarwinism and the Implications for Scholarly and Public Understandings of Structures of Social Relating’. SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2006-2009, $61,445 CAD.
Tepperman, L.(PI) and Hird, M.J. (Co-investigator) ‘The Gambling Research Community’ Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre. 2008-2009, $18,333 CAD.
Hird, M.J. Queen’s University Travel Grant, 2005, $750 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘Governing Reproductive Technologies in Northern Ireland’, British Academy Research Grant, 2003, $5,789 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘The Trouble with Gender: A Genealogical Analysis of Transgenderism’, Faculty of Arts Award, Auckland University, 1999, $26,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) and Abshoff, K. ‘The Choice to be Childfree: A Critical Analysis’, University of Auckland Graduate Research Fund, 1998, $5,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. (PI) and O’Neill, T. ‘Masculinity in New Zealand: The Formation, Maintenance and Implications of Male Gender Constructs’, University of Auckland Graduate Research Fund, 1998, $5,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence and the Negotiaton of Gender’, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship, 1994-1996. $18,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence and the Negotiation of Gender’, Overseas Research Scheme, 1993-1996. $9,000 CAD.
Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence and the Negotiation of Gender’, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, 1994, $1,000 CAD.
Over my career, I have published 12 books (with 2 more under contract and in preparation) and 83 articles and chapters (58 refereed journal articles; 25 refereed book chapters). I am first author on almost all of these publications. My publications are on the themes of waste, materiality and I-EDIAA.
Books Series Editor:
Hird, M.J. (with C. Colebrook and J. Weinstein), Critical Life book series. Columbia University Press.
Hird, M.J. (with G. Harman), Speculative Realism book series, Edinburgh University Press.
Sole-authored Books:
Hird, M.J. (2022) A Public Sociology of Waste. Bristol University Press. ISBN: 9781529206555 (HB); 9781529206555 (PB).
Hird, M.J. (2021) Canada’s Waste Flows. McGill-Queen’s University Press ISBN: 9780228005285 (HB).
Hird, M.J. (2011) Sociology of Science: A Critical Canadian Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN-10: 0195429893 (PB); ISBN-13: 978-0195429893 (ebook).
Hird, M.J. (2009) The Origins of Sociable Life: Evolution After Science Studies. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Press. ISBN: 13: 978-0-230-20213-9 (HB); 10: 0-230-20213-6 (ebook).
Hird, M.J. (2004) Sex, Gender and Science. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Press. ISBN: 1403921768; 1403921776 (PB).
Hird, M.J. (2002) Engendering Violence: From Childhood to Adulthood. Aldershot: Ashgate Press. ISBN: 0754609162. Nominated for Philip Abrams Memorial Prize.
Co-authored Book:
Hird, M.J. and Predko, H. (2023) Extracting Reconciliation: Inhuman Wastes, Indigenous Lands, and Colonial Reckoning. Routledge Press.
Edited Books:
Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (eds.) (2017) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Third Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press. (With new introduction and chapters).
Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (eds.). (2012) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press. (With new introduction and new chapters), ISBN-10: 0195440315, ISBN-13: 978-0195440317.
Giffney, N. and Hird, M.J. (eds.) (2008) Queering the NonHuman. Aldershot: Ashgate Press. ISBN:0754671283.
Pavlich, G. and Hird, M.J. (eds.) (2006) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press. ISBN: (HB) 9780195422733 (PB) 0195422732.
Hird, M.J. & Pavlich, G. (eds.) (2003) Sociology for the Asking. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0195584309.
Refereed Journal Special Issues:
Hird, M.J. and Roberts, C. (2011) ‘Feminists Think NonHuman’, Feminist Theory, 12(2). ISSN 1464-7001.
Hird, M.J. (2010) ‘The Life of the Gift’, Parallax, 16 (1). ISSN 1353-4645 print/ISSN 1460-700X online.
Refereed Journal Articles by Theme: (*indicates student)
Rocher, L.; Garcier, R. ; Ortar, N. ; Pestaña, G. and Hird, M.J. (2022) ‘La Nouvelle-Calédonie face à ses déchets. Quel modèle de gestion des déchets pour les territoires insulaires?, Vertigo, 21(2) : pages forthcoming.
*Yoshizawa, R. and Hird, M.J. (2019) ‘Schrödinger’s Placenta: Determining Placentas as (Not)Waste’ Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, pp. 1-17.
*Wilkes, J. and Hird, M.J. (2019) ‘Colonial Ideologies of Waste: Implications for Land and Life’, Europenow special issue ‘Confronting Waste’EuropeNow, https://www.europenowjournal.org/2019/05/06/confronting-waste/
*Metuzals, J. and Hird, M.J. (2018) ‘ “The Disease that Knowledge Must Cure?” Sites of Uncertainty in Uranium mining in Arctic Development’, Arctic Yearbook, pp.1-17.
Tironi, M. Hird, M.J., Simonetti, C., Forman, P. and Freiburger, N. (2018) ‘Putting it all Together: A Day in Puchuncavi, Environmental Humanities 10(1): 187-212.
Hird, M.J. (2017) ‘Microontologies of Waste’, Drain: Journal of Contemporary Art and Culture, 14(1). ISSN: 2469-3022. http://drainmag.com/microontologies-of-art-design-and-architecture/
Hird, M.J. (2017) ‘Waste, Environmental Politics and Dis/Engaged Publics’ Theory, Culture and Society, 34(2-3): 187-209.
*Lougheed, S., *Metuzals, J. and Hird, M.J. (2017) ‘Modes of Governing Canadian Waste Management: A Case Study of Metro Vancouver’s Energy-from-Waste Controversy’, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, pp. 1-14. ISSN: 1523-908X (Print) 1522-7200.
*Lougheed, S. C., & Hird, M. J. (2017) ‘Food security and secure food in the Anthropocene’. Crime, Law and Social Change, 40(7), 739. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-017-9699-x
Hird, M.J. (2016) ‘Waste Legacies: Land, Waste, and Canada’s DEW Line’, Northern Research, 42: 173-195. http://journals.sfu.ca/nr/index.php/nr/article/view/567
*Lougheed, S., Hird, M.J., and Rowe, R.K. (2016) ‘Governing Household Waste Management: An Empirical Analysis and Critique’ Environmental Values, 25(3): 287-308. Available online at: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/whp/ev/2015/00000024/00000006/art0000
*Zahara, A. and Hird, M.J. (2015) ‘Raven, Dog, Human: Inhuman Colonialism and Unsettling Cosmologies’, ‘Learning How to Inherit in Colonized and Ecologically Challenged Lifeworlds’ special issue of Environmental Humanities, 7: 169-190. Available online: http://environmentalhumanities.org/archives/vol7/
Hird, M.J. ‘In/human Waste Environments’ (2015) GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. Special issue on Queer Inhumanisms, 21(2-3): 213-215. ISSN:10642684-2843323.
Hird, M.J. ‘Waste Flows’ (2015a), The Discard Studies Compendium. See http://discardstudies.com/discard-studies-compendium/#Wasteflows
Clark, N. and Hird, M.J. ‘Deep Shit’ (2014) in E. Joy and L. Bryant (eds.) ‘Objects/Ecology’ special issue of O-Zone: A Journal of Object-Oriented Studies, 1:44-52. http://o-zone-journal.org/issue/. ISSN:2326-8344.
Hird, M.J., *Lougheed, S., Rowe, K. and *Kuyvenhoven, C. (2014a) ‘Making Waste Management Public (or Falling Back to Sleep)’ Social Studies of Science, 44(3): 441-465.
Hird, M.J. (2013) ‘Planetary Messmates: Engaging with Elizabeth Mazzolini and Philip Olson on the Topic of Waste’, Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2(10): 52-57.
Hird, M.J. (2013) ‘Is Waste Indeterminacy Useful? A response to Zsuzsa Gille’, Social Epistemology, 2(6): 28-33. ISSN 0269-1728 (print)/ISSN 1464-5297 (online).
Hird, M.J. (2013) ‘Waste, Landfills, and an Environmental Ethics of Vulnerability’, Ethics and the Environment, 18(1): 105-124. ISSN: 1085-6633.
Hird, M.J. (2012) ‘Knowing Waste: Toward an Inhuman Epistemology’, Social Epistemology, 26(3-4): 453-469. ISSN 0269-1728 (print)/ISSN 1464-5297 (online). Also published in ‘Posthumanities, New Materialism, Gender and Environment’ special issue of Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap (forthcoming).
Hird, M.J. and Roberts, C. ‘Feminism Theorises the Nonhuman’, Feminist Theory, 2011, 12(2): 109-117.
Hird, M.J. ‘Indifferent Globality’ Theory, Culture and Society, 2010, 27 (2-3), 54-72. Print ISSN: 0263-2764/ISSN: 1460-3616 online.
Hird, M.J. ‘Meeting with the Microcosmos’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2010, 28, 36-39. Print ISSN: 0263-7758/ ISSN: 1472-3433 online.
Hird, M.J. ‘Symbiosis, Microbes, Coevolution and Sociology’, Ecological Economics, 2010, 69(4): 737-742. ISSN: 0921-8009.
Hird, M.J. ‘The Life of the Gift’, parallax, 2010, 16(1): 1-6. Print ISSN: 1353-4645/ ISSN: 1460-700X online.
Hird, M.J. ‘Interchanges’ in ‘Tranimacies: Intimate Links between Animal and Trans* Studies’ Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities special issue, 22(2, June).
Hird, M.J. ‘Digesting Difference: Metabolism and the Question of Sexual Difference’ Configurations, 2013b, 20: 213-238. ISSN: 1063-1801 (print)/ 1080-6520 (online).
Hird, M.J. ‘Material Feminist Engagements’, Feminist Studies, 2009, 35(2): 329-346. ISSN:0046-3663.
Hird, M.J. ‘The Corporeal Generosity of Maternity’, Body and Society, 2007, 13(1): 1-20. ISSN: 1357-034X07074760.
Hird, M.J. ‘Sex Diversity and Evolutionary Psychology’, The Psychologist, 2006, 19(1): 30-32. ISSN: 0952-8229.
Hird, M.J. ‘Animal Trans’, Australian Feminist Studies, 2006, 21(49): 35-48. ISSN: 0816-4649. Also published in N. Giffney and M. Hird (eds.) Queering the NonHuman. Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2008. Also translated into Polish in Agnieszka Gajewska (ed.), Teorie wywrotowe, Wydawnictwo PoznaÅ„skie, PoznaÅ„, 2013, pp. 261-287.
Hird, M.J. ‘Feminist Matters: New Materialist Considerations of Sexual Difference’, Feminist Theory, 2004, 5(2): 223-232. ISSN: 1464-7001.
Hird, M.J. ‘Chimerism, Mosaicism and the Cultural Construction of Kinship’, Sexualities, 2004, 7(2): 225-240. ISSN: 1363-4607.
Hird, M.J. ‘Naturally Queer’ Feminist Theory, 2004, 5(1): 85-89. ISSN:1464-7001. Also published in: Julie Rivkin & Michael Ryan (eds) Literary Theory: An Anthology, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 2015. Also published as ‘Biyolojik Olarak Queer’, KaosQueer+, 2015, pp. 86-95.
Hird, M.J. ‘New Feminist Sociological Directions’ Canadian Journal of Sociology, 2003, 28(4): 447-462.
Hird, M.J. ‘Vacant Wombs: Feminist Challenges to Psychoanalytic Theories of Childless Women’. Feminist Review, 2003, 75: 5-19. ISSN: 0141-7789.
Hird, M.J. ‘Thinking About “Sex” in Education’ Sex Education, 2003, 3(3): 187-200. ISSN: 1468-1811.
Hird, M.J. ‘Considerations for a Psycho-analytic Theory of Gender Identity and Sexual Desire: The Case of Intersex’ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 2003, 28(4): 1067-1092. ISSN: 0097-9740.
Hird, M.J. ‘From the Culture of Matter to the Matter of Culture: Feminist Explorations of Nature and Science’ Sociological Research Online, 2003, 8(1). http://www.socresonline.org.uk/8/1/hird.html
Hird, M.J. ‘A Typical Gender Identity Conference? Some Disturbing Reports from the Therapeutic Front Lines’ Feminism and Psychology, 2003, 13(2): 181-199. ISSN:0959-3535.
Hird, M.J. ‘Re(pro)ducing Sexual Difference’ Parallax, 2002, 8(4): 94-107. ISSN: 1353-4645.
Hird, M.J. ‘Unidentified Pleasures: Gender Identity and its Failure’ Body and Society, 2002, 8(2): 39-54. ISSN: 1357-034X.
Hird, M.J. ‘For a Sociology of Transsexualism’ Sociology, 2002, 36(3): 577-595. ISSN: 0038-0385.
Hird, M.J. ‘Welcoming Dialogue – A Further Reply to Out/Performing Our Selves’, Sexualities, 2002, 5(3): 362-366. ISSN: 1363-4607.
Hird, M.J. ‘Out/Performing Our Selves – Invitation for Dialogue’ Sexualities, 2002, 5(3): 337-356. ISSN: 1363-4607.
Hird, M.J. ‘Appropriating Identity: Viewing Boys Don’t Cry’ International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2001, 3(3): 435-442. ISSN:1461-6742.
Hird, M.J. ‘Feminists Theorising the End of Gender: A Conversation with Stevi Jackson’ International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2001, 3(2): 263-274. ISSN: 1461-6742.
Hird, M.J. & Jackson, S. ‘Where 'Angels' and 'Wooses' Fear to Tread: Sexual Coercion in Adolescent Heterosexual Dating Relationships’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 2001, 37(1): 27-43. ISSN: 0004-8690.
Hird, M.J. ‘Gender's Nature: Intersexuals, Transsexuals and the 'Sex'/'Gender' Binary'’ Feminist Theory, 2000, 1(3): 347-364. ISSN: 1464-7001.
Hird, M.J. & *Abshoff, K. ‘Women Without Children: A Contradiction in Terms?’ Canadian Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2000, 31(3): 347-366. ISSN: 0047-2328.
Hird, M.J. ‘An Empirical Study of Adolescent Dating Aggression in the UK’ Journal of Adolescence, 2000, 23:69-78. ISSN: 0140-1971.
Hird, M.J. & Jackson, S. ‘Damned if We Do, Damned if We Don’t: New Zealand and UK High School Students' Negotiation of Sexual Identities’ Women’s Studies Journal, 1999, 15(2):125-146. ISSN: 0112-4099.
Hird, M.J. ‘Theorising Pupil Identity as Fragmented: Some Implications for Feminist Critical Pedagogy’ British Journal of Sociology of Education, 1998, 19: 517-528. ISSN: 0142-5692.
Hird, M.J. & *Germon, J. ‘Women on the Edge of a Dyke-otomy: Confronting Subjectivity’ Journal of Lesbian Studies, 1998, 3: 103-111. ISSN: 1089-4160. Also published in Atkins, D. (ed) Lesbian Sex Scandals. Harrington Press: Binghamton, 1998, pp. 103-112. ISBN: 0-7890-0548-4.
Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence: An Empirical Study’ Intervention, 1995, 100: 60-69. ISSN: 0713-4290.
Hird, M.J., *Yoshizawa, R., Robinson, S., Smith, G. and Walker, M. “Risk for Cardiovascular Disease after Pre-eclampsia: Differences in Canadian Women and Healthcare Provider Perspectives on Knowledge Sharing.” Health Sociology Review. Available online first: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14461242.2016.1181981.
*Canning, C., Hird, M.J. and Smith, G.N. ‘The Pitfalls of the Add-and-Stir Approach to Transdisciplinary Public Health Research’ Critical Public Health, 2010, 145-155. ISSN 0958–1596 print/ISSN 1469–3682 online.
Acton, C. and Hird, M.J. ‘Toward a Sociology of Stammering’ Sociology, 2004, 38(3): 495-513. ISSN: 0038-0385.
Refereed Chapters in Books by Theme:
*Dee. G. and Hird, M.J. ‘Moving Up the Waste Hierarchy: A Canadian Case Study’ in A. Assuah and K. Ng (eds.) Solid Waste Management in Canada: Approaches, Practices, and Experiences. Routledge Press (forthcoming).
Hird, M.J. and *Dee, G. ‘Mother Earth and Her Three Little Wasteful Pigs: Waste Reduction through Degrowth’ in H. Corvellec (ed) Waste as Critique. Oxford University Press, (forthcoming).
Hird, M.J.; *Renders, M. and *Predko, H. ‘Decolonizing Posthumanism’ in Grech, M. (ed) Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism. 2022, (pages forthcoming).
Hird, M.J. and Riha, J.* (2021) ‘Prepping for the [Insert Here] Apocalypse and Wasting the Future’ in Gille, Z. and Lepawsky, J. (eds.) Handbook of Waste Studies. New York and London: Routledge, pp.305-321.
Hird, M.J. (2021) ‘Foreword’ in F. Allon and R. Barcan (eds.) The Temporalities of Waste: Out of Sight, Out of Time. London and New York: Routledge, pp. xiii-xvi.
Hird, M.J. and *Kuyvenhoven, C. (2020) ‘Waste Transportation and the Downstream-Recycle, Upstream-Reduce Equation: Waste’s Management Within Neoliberal Capitalism’ in R. Ek (ed) Opening the Bin, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 79-97. E-book: https://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Perspectives_on_Waste_from_the_Social_Sc.html?id=FJlkzQEACAAJ&redir_esc=y
Hird, M.J. and Yusoff, K. (2019) ‘Lines of Shite: Microbial-Mineral Chatter in the Anthropocene’ R. Braidotti, and S. Bignall (eds.) Posthuman Ecologies and Deleuzian Philosophy. Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 265-282. Reprinted in L. Mazza, A. Jaque and Marina Otero (eds.) Posthuman Ecologies: Complexity and Process after Deleuze, Serpentine Press.
Clark, N. and Hird, M.J. (2018) ‘Microontologies and the Politics of Strata’ in M. Coleman and J. Agnew (eds.) Geographies of Power. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 245-258.
Hird, M.J. and *Zahara, A. (2017) ‘The Arctic Wastes’ in Grusin, R. (ed) Anthropocene Feminism. University of Minnesota Press, pp.121-145.
Hird, M.J. (2017) ‘Proliferation-Extinction-Anxiety and the Anthropocene Aesthetic’ in J. Weinstein and C. Colebrook (eds.) Inhuman Life and Posthuman Rights. Columbia University Press, pp. 251-270. Also in Susan McHugh and Giovanni Aloi (eds) Posthumanism in Art and Science: A Reader. New York: Columbia University Press.
Hird, M.J. (2017) ‘Burial and Resurrection in the Anthropocene: Infrastructures of Waste’ in P. Harvey, C. Bruun Jensen and A. Morita (eds.) Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Routledge Companion, pp. 242-252.
Hird, M.J. (2016) ‘The Phenomenon of Waste World Making’ in K. Sellberg, and P. Hinton (eds.) Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge, 30, http://www.rhizomes.net/issue30/
Hird, M.J. and Yusoff, K. (2015) ‘Subtending Relations: Bacteria, Geology, and the Possible in the Anthropocene’ in S. Malik and A. Ananessian (eds.) Genealogies of Speculation, New York: Bloomsbury Press, pp. 319-342.
Hird, M.J. ‘On Preparations: Engaging with Inhuman Materialities’ in C. Åsberg and R. Braidotti (eds.) A Feminist Companion to the Posthumanites, 2018, pp. 141-15.
Hird, M.J. ‘How do We Help the Environment?’ in Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Third Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 170-181.
Hird, M.J. ‘Animal, All Too Animal: Toward an Ethic of Vulnerability” in A. Gross and A. Vallely (eds.) Animal Others and the Human Imagination. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012, pp. 331-348.
Hird, M.J. ‘Are Sex and Gender Real?’ in Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 48-57.
Hird, M.J. ‘Biologically Queer’ in N. Giffney and M. O’Rourke (eds.) The Ashgate Companion to Queer Theory. Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2009, pp. 347-362. ISBN: 0754671356.
Giffney, N. and Hird, M.J. ‘Introduction’ in N. Giffney and M. Hird (eds.) Queering the NonHuman. Aldershot: Ashgate Press, 2008. ISBN:0754671283.
Hird, M.J. ‘Queer(y)ing Intersex: Freud, Polymorphous Perversity and the construction of identity’ in L. Moon (ed) Feeling Queer or Queer Feelings: Counselling Sexual Cultures. London: Brunner-Routledge, 2007, pp. 54-71. ISBN: 9780415385213.
Hird, M.J. ‘Do Sex and Gender Matter?’ in G. Pavlich and M. Hird (eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 56-70. ISBN: 0195422732.
Hird, M.J. ‘Am I Queer?’ in M. Hird and G. Pavlich (eds.) Sociology for the Asking. Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 57-73. ISBN: 0195584309.
Hird, M.J. and Germon, J. ‘The Intersexual Body and the Medical Regulation of Gender’ In K. Backett-Milburn and L. McKie (eds.) Constructing Gendered Bodies. London: Palgrave, 2001, pp. 162-178. ISBN: 0-333-774612.
*O’Neill, T. and Hird, M.J. ‘Double Damnation: Gay Disabled Men and the Negotiation of Masculinity’. In K. Backett-Milburn and L. McKie (eds.) Constructing Gendered Bodies. London: Palgrave, 2001, pp. 201-223. ISBN: 0-333-774612.
Pavlich, G. and Hird, M.J. ‘Sociology Questions: Introduction’ in Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Third Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2016, pages forthcoming.
Pavlich, G. and Hird, M.J. ‘Sociology Questions: Introduction’ in Hird, M.J. and Pavlich, G. (eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Second Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 1-16.
Pavlich, G. and Hird, M.J. ‘Introduction’ in G. Pavlich and M. Hird (eds.) Questioning Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 2006, pp. 1-14. ISBN: 0195422732.
Pavlich, G. and Hird, M.J. ‘Introduction’ in M. Hird and G. Pavlich (eds.) Sociology for the Asking. Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 1-18. ISBN: 0195584309.
Entries in Glossaries/Handbooks/Compendia:
Hird, M.J. ‘Sex/gender Distinction’ (p.543-545), ‘Essentialism’ (p.174-175), ‘Cyborgs’ (p.121-122), ‘Sociobiology’ (p.580-582) in Harrington, A.; Marshall, B. and Muller, H.P. (eds) Routledge Encyclopedia of Social Theory, Routledge, 2006. ISBN: 0415290465.
Hird, M.J. ‘Coital Imperative’ (pp.33-34), ‘Trans theory’ (pp.230-231), ‘Hybridity’ (p.97), ‘Pansexualism’ (150-151), ‘Hermaphrodite’ (84), ‘Intersex’ (107) in J. Eadie (ed) Sexuality: The Essential Glossary. Oxford University Press, 2004. ISBN: 0340806761.
Hird, M.J. ‘Humans’ in Harrison, S.; Pile, S. and Thrift, N. (eds) Patterned Ground. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 2003, pp. 257-260.
Hird, M.J. 154 glossary entries in Hird, M.J. & Pavlich, G. (eds) Sociology for the Asking. Oxford University Press, 2003, pp.232-251.
Hird, M.J. ‘Case Study’ (pp.22-24), ‘Gender Dysphoria Assessment’ (pp.123-126), ‘Queer Research’ (pp.246-249) and ‘Sex Surveys’ (pp.291-293) in Miller, R.; Brewer, J. and Breen, R. (eds). A-Z of Social Research. London: Sage, 2003. ISBN: 0761971335.
Weisbaum, K., Hird, M.J., *Houghtaling, M., MacDonald, S. and Smith, G.N. (2011) The Ethics of Contacting Patients in 21st Century Health Training: Translating Privacy Legislation and Policy into Practice. Physicians Services Incorporated.
*French, M. and Hird, M.J. (2008) Concepts for Exploring Normative Structures in Scientific Communities: A Report on Potential Tools for Assessing the Problem Gambling Research Community. Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre.
Invited Keynotes
Over my career, I have been invited to give 29 keynote addresses, 82 presentations (not counting classroom seminars) and delivered 51 conference presentations (most as sole-author).
Hird, M.J. (05/21) ‘The Problem of Amplification and Other Waste Studies Challenges’ Waste, Work and Values Symposium, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (04/21) ‘Phronetic Science and Citizen Assemblies’ NARST Sandra K Abell Institute for Doctoral Students, University of Delaware, USA.
Hird, M.J. (11/19) ‘Looking for Redemption in all the Wrong Places: Canada’s Waste Management Crisis’, BC Nurses Union Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (12/17) ‘Settler Colonialism and Canadian Waste: Issues of Self-determination and Responsibility’, Mineral Forum, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (11/17) ‘Metabolizing the Planet’, Mind the Gut Symposium, Medical Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hird, M.J. (10/17) ‘The Up- and Down-stream Flows of Waste: Reflecting on Waste within Neo-liberal Capitalism’, Des Déchets à l’économie circulaire: Publics, politiques et engagements citoyens’, EVS, Universite de Lyon, France.
Hird, M.J. (04/17) ‘Looking for Redemption in all the Wrong Places: Environmental Citizenship and the Long Duré of Waste Contamination’, Opening the Bin Conference, Lund University, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (02/17) ‘Microontologies of Waste, and the Radical Asymmetry of a Stratified Planet, Emerging Activity: Relating Things Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Hird, M.J. (09/15) ‘Burial and Ressurrection in the Anthropocene: Infrastructures of Waste’, Governing the Inorganic: Materials, Infrastructures and Care Conference, Santiago, Chile.
Hird, M.J. (11/14) ‘Material Flows in the Anthropocene’, G14 Conference, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (09/14) ‘Wast(ED): Colonial Legacies in the Anthropocence’, Learning How to Inherit in Colonized and Ecologically Challenged Lifeworlds Interdisciplinary Symposium, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (06/14) ‘Proliferation-Extinction-Anxiety and the Anthropocene Aesthetic, Leverhulme Trust Lecture, Oxford University of London, London, UK.
Hird, M.J. and van Wyck, P. (06/14) ‘What Was the Anthropocene?’, Leverhulme Trust Lecture, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
Hird, M.J. (05/14) ‘Metabolizing Strata: Proliferation and Diversification Underground’, Life Matters Conference, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (04/14) ‘Relations of Waste World-Making’, Anthropocene Feminism, Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA.
Hird, M.J. (12/13) ‘Inhuman Epistemologies’, Leverhulme Trust Lecture, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.
Hird, M.J. (12/13) ‘Waste and Environmental Politics in the Shadow of Terminal Capitalism’, Leverhulme Trust Lecture, Lancaster Environment Center, Centre for Science Studies, and Center for Gender Studies, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK.
Hird, M.J. (06/13) ‘Global visions: Environmental Responsibility Without Limits’, Constructions of Globality: Ideas, Images and Artefacts Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hird, M.J. (06/13) ‘On Preparations: Learning and Teaching Materiality’, Developing Feminist Post-Constructivist Qualitative Research Methodologies in the Educational Sciences Conference, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (11/12) ‘Feminist Theory and the Inhuman’, Feminist Theory Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (06/12) ‘Disturbing Messmates and Becomings Indeterminate: Geobio Forces in Waste Flows’ Indeterminate Subjects Conference, Lancaster, UK.
Hird, M.J. (05/12) ‘Sexual Indifference on a Sociable Planet’, Women’s Studies Department, Abo Akademi University, Finland.
Hird, M.J. (05/12) ‘Microlife: Waste Flow, Care, and an Ethic of Vulnerability’, Tema Genus, Linkoping University, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (04/12) ‘‘Microlife: Waste Flow, Care, and an Ethic of Vulnerability’, Gender Studies Department, Sodertorn, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (11/11) ‘Sex Matters on a Sociable Planet’, Finnish Research School on Women and Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Hird, M.J. (06/11) ‘Life on a Sociable Planet’, Sociology Department, Warwick University.
Hird, M.J. (05/11) ‘Sex and Gender on a Sociable Planet’, Tema Genus, Linköping University, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (11/10) ‘When Science and Social Science Meet: Toward an Ethics of Vulnerability’, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (11/10) ‘Within/Between/Through Bodies: Sex Diversity on a Symbiotic Planet’ Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Invited Presentations
Hird, M.J. (04/24) ‘A Public Sociology of Waste’ Socio-Ecological Transition Seminars (SETS) group. Joint initiative between the Research Group on Collective Action, Change and Transition at the University of Trento (IT), the Centre for Sustainable and Socially Responsible Consumptoin at Bournemouth University (UK), and the Environmental Sociology Section at the University of Orebro (SE).
Hird, M.J. (02/2023) ‘Le problème des microplastiques (et ce que nous pouvons faire)’, EVS-IMU, École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France.
Hird, M.J. (12/2022) ‘Legal Norms and Framing Waste-Energy Transitions: Plastics Export and Trade, France Canada Research Fund Workshop, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (12/2022) ‘Individualization of Responsibility and the Problem of Amplification’, France Canada Research Fund Workshop, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (03/2022) ‘Canada’s Waste Crisis: A Tale of Two Problems’, Transdisciplinary Seminar Series, Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, Brock University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (03/2022) ‘Canada’s Waste Crisis: A Tale of Two Problems’, Studies in National and International Development’, Queen’s University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (11/21) ‘Canada’s Waste Flows’, Research Centre on the Future of Cities, University of Ottawa, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (11/21) ‘Canada’s Waste Flows’, École Urbaine de Lyon, Univesité de Lyon, France.
Hird, M.J. (11/21) ‘Canada’s Waste Crisis and What We Can Do About It’, Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (11/21) ‘The Anthropocene is Injustice’, OPEN SPACE Kunstsammlung NRW, Dusseldorf, Germany.
Hird, M.J. (10/21) ‘Canada’s Wicked Waste Wicked Problem’, AMS, Queen’s University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (10/20) ‘Waste in the Anthropocene: Waste as an Ongoing Symptom of Settler Colonialism’, University College London.
Hird, M.J. (10/19) ‘Iqaluit’s Dumpcano and the Indeterminate Material Politics of Waste’, Sociology Department, Uppsala University, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (10/19) ‘Iqaluit’s Dumpcano and the Indeterminate Material Politics of Waste’, KGH University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. and Wilkes, J. (12/17) ‘Settler Colonialism and Canadian Waste: Issues of Self-determination and Responsibility’, Environmental Humanities, Linköping University, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (11/17) ‘Deep Shit’, Center for Medical Science and Technology Studies and the associated Graduate Programme in Medicine Culture and Society, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hird, M.J. (03/17) ‘Canada’s Waste Flow’, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Institut d'urbanisme de Lyon, France.
Hird, M.J. (10/16) ‘Microontologies of Waste, and the Radical Asymmetry of a Stratified Planet’, Boundaries in the Age of the Life Sciences Speaker Series, Penn State University.
Hird, M.J. (10/15) ‘Waste and the Anthorpocene’, Environmental Humanities Collaboratory, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (10/15) ‘Infrastructures of Waste’, Tema Technology and Social Change and Tema Environment, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (10/15) ‘Trananimacies’, Tema Genus, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (10/15) ‘Publishing’, Tema Genus, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (04/15) ‘Waste, Environmental Politics, and Dis/Engaged Publics’, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Hird, M.J. (02/15) ‘Waste, Environmental Politics, and Dis/Engaged Publics’, California State University, Pasadena, United States.
Hird, M.J. (02/15) ‘Geo-chaos to Bio-order: Subtending (Sexual) Relations’, California State University, Pasadena, United States.
Hird, M.J. (10/14) ‘Waste, Environmental Politics and Dis/Engaged Publics’, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Hird, M.J. (09/14) ‘The Arctic Wastes’, Tema Environmental Change and Tema Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (09/14) ‘What Was the Anthropocene?, Tema Genus, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (09/14) ‘Waste, Environmental Politics and Dis/Engaged Publics’, Environmental Technology and Management Department, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (05/14) ‘Waste-Colonialism’, Life Matters Conference – Closed Workshop, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden.
Hird, M.J. (04/13) ‘Sex Matters on a Sociable Planet’, Institute for Research on Women, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Hird, M.J. (04/13) ‘Waste: Uncertainty, Futurity, and Democratic Engagement’, Science in Society Program, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.
Hird, M.J. (04/13) ‘Sex Matters on a Sociable Planet’, Science in Society Program, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.
Hird, M.J. (04/12) ‘Waste Flow, Care, and an Ethic of Vulnerability’, Technoscience and Care Workshop, York University, York.
Hird, M.J. (11/12) ‘Canada’s Waste Flow: Uncertain Futures’, McGill School of Environment, Montreal.
Hird, M.J. (11/11) ‘Conversations with the More than Human’, American Anthropological Association, Montreal.
Hird, M.J. (06/11) 'Diversity and Asymmetry at the Biophysical, Biocultural, and Biodigital Strata', Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich.
Hird, M.J. (05/11) ‘Toward an Ethic of Vulnerability’, Technoscience Workshop, Lancaster University (UK).
Hird, M.J. (02/11) ‘Sex and Gender on a Sociable Planet’, Interdisciplinary Studies Department, Lakehead University (Orillia campus).
Hird, M.J. (02/11) ‘Volatile Bodies, Volatile Cosmos: Notes on Radical Asymmetry’ Sociology and Anthropology Department, Concordia University.
Hird, M.J. (11/10) ‘Improving Long-term Maternal Health’, Scientific Café (CIHR funded), Kingston, Ontario.
Hird, M.J. (10/10) ‘Volatile Bodies, Volatile Cosmos: Notes on Radical Asymmetry’ Anthropology Department, University of California at Berekely.
Hird, M.J. (06/10) ‘Animal, All Too Animal?’ Animals and Animality Across the Humanities and Social Sciences: Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston.
Hird, M.J., (06/10) ‘Capturing the impacts of publicly funded health research: Knowledge translation and public understanding of science issues’. Presentation at the workshop “Understanding Social Sciences and Humanities Research Outcomes and Impacts: From Innovative Metrics to Success Stories,” Concordia University, Montreal.
Hird, M. J. (11/09) ‘Transdisciplinarity in Health Research’, Perinatal Investigators’ Meeting, Kingston, Canada.
Hird, M. J. (05/09) ‘Microontologies’, Life on our Symbiotic Planet: A Conversation with Myra Hird, Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford University, UK.
Hird, M.J. (04/09) ‘Microontologies, or How to Meet with the Microcosmos’, Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women at Brown University, Brown University, USA.
Hird, M.J. (04/09) ‘Gender: Identity, Disorder or Neither?’, Queen’s University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (10/08) ‘Microontologies, or How to Meet With the Microcosmos’, History of Consciousness Department, University of California at Santa Cruz, USA.
Hird, M.J. (10/08) ‘Microontologies, or How to Meet With the Microcosmos’, Sociology Deparment, Queen’s University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (06/08) ‘Intensive Evolution and Virtual Sexual Difference: Thinking Queer Technoscientific Emergence’, Emerging Queer and Feminist Technoscience, Bergen, Norway.
Hird, M.J. (06/08) ‘Plenty of Room at the Bottom: Thinking Monera’, Sociology Department, Lancaster University, UK.
Hird, M.J. (06/08) ‘Developing an Ontological and Epistemological Tool-Kit’, Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies and Centre for Science Studies Joint Postgraduate Workshop, Lancaster University, UK.
Hird, M.J. (06/08) ‘Bio-philosophy’s Filthy (In)difference?’, Institute for Gender Studies, Lancaster University, UK.
Hird, M.J. and McCallister, J. (04/08) ‘Open to Surprise: Symbiogenesis and Geosciences’, Geosciences Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Hird, M.J. (03/08) ‘Notes from a Failed Feminist: The Ontology and Epistemology of Sexual Difference’, Sociology Department, Brandeis University, USA.
Hird, M.J. (12/07) ‘Gain Science and Social Approaches to the Environment’, Geosciences Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Hird, M.J. (03/07) ‘Transdisciplinary Science in Health Research: A Case Study’ Department of Obstretrics and Gynaecology, Queen’s University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (03/07) ‘Ethical Issues in the Translation of Health Research Findings: Perceived Conflict of Interest and Researchers’ Duty in Patient Care’ Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen’s University, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (11/05) ‘The Ontology of Sexual Difference’, Psychology Department, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (05/04) ‘Express Yourself: Meditations on Foreign and Familiar Bodies’, Making Sense of Transitions and Transformations, University of Newcastle.
Hird, M.J. (05/03) ‘Boundaries and ‘Other’ Matters: Biological Others and the Politics of Difference’, Sociology Department, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada.
Hird, M.J. (03/03) ‘Boundaries that Matter’, Sociology Department, University of Durham.
Hird, M.J. (10/02) ‘Future Queer: Using Natural Sciences to Think Beyond Culture?’, Queer Roundtable Discussion, University College Dublin.
Hird, M.J. (05/01) ‘Typical Gender Identity? Some Disturbing Reports from the Therapeutic Front Lines’ ESRC Sexuality Seminar Series, York University.
Hird, M.J. (05/01) ‘Ethical Concerns in Conducing Social Science Research’ Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin.
Hird, M.J. (05/01) ‘Sexual Difference: The Big Lie’ Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Leeds.
Hird, M.J. (04/01) ‘Sex Acts’ School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen’s University, Belfast.
Hird, M.J. (12/00) ‘The end of feminism?’ Department of Sociology, University of Ulster at Jordanstown.
Hird, M.J. (12/00) ‘Research Ethics’. School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen’s University.
Hird, M.J. (06/00) ‘Resisting Pleasures’. Women’s Studies Centre, York University.
Hird, M.J. (02/99) 'Gender's nature: Intersexuals, transsexuals and the 'sex'/'gender' binary'. Women's Studies Centre, Manchester University.
Hird, M.J. (07/98) ‘Reconceiving theories of childfree women’. Department of Sociology, University of Victoria, Wellington.
Hird, M.J. (19/97) 'Issues involved in graduate research'. Department of Sociology. Waikato University.
Hird, M.J. (10/97) ‘An exploration of adolescent dating violence’. Department of Sociology. Waikato University.
Hird, M.J. (08/97) ‘Theorising pupil identity as fragmented: some implications for feminist critical pedagogy’. Department of Education, Auckland University.
Hird, M.J. (06/97) ‘Talking about adolescent dating violence’. North Harbour Family Violence Prevention Project, Auckland.
Hird, M.J. (02/97) ‘Theorising pupil identity as fragmented: implications for critical pedagogy’. Sociology Department Research Seminar Series, Auckland University.
Hird, M.J. (01/96). ‘Adolescents, dating relationships and aggression’. Graduate lecture presented at New College, Oxford.
Hird, M.J. (10/95). ‘The uncontrollable boy and the girl who led him on: adolescents talk about dating violence’. Women’s Studies Group, Oxford University.
Hird, M.J. (05/95). ‘Flirtations, mixed signals and heartache: male and female adolescent relationship discourse’. Human Sciences Department, Oxford University.
Hird, M.J. (05/95). ‘Substantive and theoretical issues in qualitative research analysis’. Socio-legal Studies Department, Oxford University.
Hird, M. J. (03/95). ‘Analysing qualitative research data’. Educational Studies Department, Oxford University.

Conference Presentations
Hird, M.J. (05/23) ‘Extraire la réconciliation : Terres indigènes, déchets, et reconnaissance coloniale’ ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.
Hird, M.J.; Predko, H. and Renders, M. (06/21) ‘Acts of Remembering: Settler Colonial Waste in Canada’s Arctic’ Re-Opening the Bin, Coppenhagen, Denmark.
Hird, M.J. (11/20) ‘Canada’s Waste Crisis and How Recycling Won’t Fix It’ CREATE Seed, Montréal, Canada.
Hird, M.J. and Yusoff, K. (04/18) ‘Lines of Shite: Traversing Plateaus in Microbial-Mineral Evolution’, American Association of Geography Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Hird, M.J. (11/17) ‘Looking for Redemption in all the Wrong Places: Waste Studies and our Misplaced Focus on Recycling’, Colloque international Sciences, savoirs et pratiques des déchets, A l’Institut des Amériques (IdA), Paris, France.
Hird, M.J. (04/15) ‘Subtending Relations: Bacteria, Geology, and the Possible’, American Association of Geographers Conference, Chicago.
Hird, M.J. (06/13) ‘Indifferent Globality’, Constructions of Globality: Ideas, Images and Artefacts Conference, Copenhagen.
Hird, M.J. (02/12) ‘Exuberant Waste: Bacterial Agency and the Post-Natural Ecologies of Landfill’, Association of American Geographers. New York City, New York.
Hird, M.J. (04/11) ‘Volatile Bodies, Volatile Cosmos: Notes on Radical Asymmetry’, Association of American Geographers. Seattle, Washington.
Hird, M.J. (11/10) ‘Becoming Sex and Race: A Conversation with Darwin and Grosz’, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, McGill University and Université de Montréal.
Hird, M.J. (06/10) ‘Capturing the Impacts of Publicly Funded Health Research: Knowledge Translation and Public Understanding of Science Issues’, SSHRC Session ‘Understanding research outcomes and impacts: from innovative metrics to success stories’, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal.
Hird, M.J. (05/10) ‘The In/Organic Juncture: Exploring the Boundary between Life and Matter’, Society for Cultural Anthropology, Santa Fe, United States.
Clark, N. and Hird, M.J. (04/10) ‘The In/Organic Juncture: Exploring the Boundary Between Life and Matter’, British Sociological Association, Glasgow, Scotland.
Hird, M.J. (12/09) ‘Plenty of Room at the Micro’, American Anthropological Society, Philadelphia, USA. (invited Discussant on ‘The Value of Small Things’ panel).
Hird, M.J. (10/09) ‘Science Studies and Nonhuman Sentience’, Society for the Social Study of Science, Washington DC, USA.
Hird, M.J. (10/08) ‘Zoofeminism By Any Other Name? The Limitations of Thinking Sexual Difference Through Human/Animals’, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Hird, M.J. (08/08) ‘Eating Well, Surviving Humanism: Biophilosophy’s Filthy Lesson’, Royal Geography Society Association, London UK.
Hird, M.J. (06/08) ‘Eating Well, Surviving Humanism’, Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Vancouver.
Hird, M.J. (04/08) ‘A Filthy Lesson of (in)Difference: When Queer Theory and Environments Meet’, NeMLA Conference, Buffalo.
Hird, M.J. (03/08) ‘Symbiogenesis Theory, Gaian Science and Social Theories of the Environment’, British Sociological Association Conference, Warwick UK.
Hird, M.J. (10/07) ‘Ways of Knowing Interspecies Communities’ Society for the Social Study of Science Conference, Montreal.
Hird, M.J., *French, M., *Houghtaling, M. and *Canning, C. (10/07) ‘Ways of Knowing Science and Social Theory’, Society for the Social Study of Science Conference, Montreal.
Hird, M.J. (09/07) ‘Individualism, Symbiogenesis and Sociological Theories of Social Relating’ European Sociological Association Conference, Glasgow.
Hird, M. J. (08/07) ‘Evolutionary Biology, Symbiogenesis and Sociology’s New Imagination’ American Sociology Association Conference, New York
Hird, M. J. (06/07) ‘The Corporeal Generosity of Interspecies Communities’ Canadian Sociology Association Conference, University of Saskatchewan.
Hird, M.J. (11/06) ‘Truth’s Superb Surprise: Lynn Margulis and Theories of Social Relating’ Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Vancouver.
Hird, M.J. (08/05) ‘What We Might Learn From the Coral Goby Fish: Reconsidering Trans Debates from a Non-Human Perspective’ Gender and Canadian Values in the 21st Century, Brandon University.
Hird, M.J. (06/05) ‘Trannie Animals’, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Conference, University of Western Ontario.
Hird, M.J. (04/05) ‘Express Your Self: The Corporeal Generosity of Maternity’, British Sociological Association Conference, York University.
Hird, M.J. (06/04) ‘ “One Long Argument” and the Diversity of Sex’ Biological Bodies Conference, Queen Mary College, University of London.
Hird, M.J. (06/03) ‘Reproducing Nature: Using the Natural Sciences to Think Through Reproductive Technology Debates’ Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association Conference, Halifax.
Hird, M.J. (04/03) ‘It’s Not Who You Know But What You Know: Thinking Through Boundaries with the Natural Sciences’, British Sociological Association Conference, York University.
Hird, M.J. (02/03) ‘Freaks of Nature: Queering the Human’, Lesbian Lives Conference, University College Dublin.
Hird, M.J. (01/03) ‘Queer(y)ing Biology’, Sexualities, Cultures and Identities: New Directions in Gay, Lesbian and Queer Studies, Centre for Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Newcastle.
Hird, M.J. (07/02) ‘New Materialism and the Australian Feminist Challenge to Sociology’ World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane. Invited to speak on panel ‘The Feminist Challenge to Sociological Theory’.
Hird, M.J. (05/02) ‘Feminist Theory on the Move Again: Explorations of New Materialism’ Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association Conference, Ryerson University. Invited to speak on panel ‘Bodies, Sex and Gender: Reflections and Reconfigurations’.
Hird, M.J. (04/01) ‘Re(pro)ducing Sexual Difference’ British Sociological Association Conference, Manchester University.
Hird, M.J. (09/00) ‘The Impact of Intersexuality and Transsexuality on Gender Theory’ Women’s Studies Conference, Queen’s University, Belfast.
Hird, M.J. (05/00) ‘Gender’s Nature’. Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association Conference, University of Alberta.
Hird, M.J. (05/00) ‘Unidentified Pleasures’. Canadian Sociological and Anthropological Association Conference, University of Alberta.
Hird, M.J. (04/99) ‘Women abandoned?’. British Sociological Association Conference, Glasgow University.
Hird, M.J. (11/98) ‘Theorising gender and interpersonal violence’. Sociology Association of New Zealand Annual Conference, Napier.
Hird, M.J. (11/98) ‘Damned if we do, damned if we don’t: New Zealand and UK high school students’ negotiation of sexual identities’. Girl Trouble? Conference, University of Waikato.
Hird, M.J. & *Germon, J. (04/98)‘The intersexual body and the medical regulation of gender’ British Sociological Association Conference, Edinburgh University.
Hird, M.J. & *O’Neill, T. (04/98) ‘Double damnation: Gay disabled men and the negotiation of masculinity’. British Sociological Association Conference, Edinburgh University.
Hird, M.J. & *Abshoff, K. (04/98) ‘The essentialism of child-free women to postmodern feminism’. British Sociological Association Conference, Edinburgh University.
Hird, M.J. (08/97) ‘Unsilencing the lambs: Taking adolescent dating violence seriously’. World Congress on Violence and Human Coexistence. University College, Dublin.
Hird, M.J. (03/96). ‘Sexual harassment/violence: young people’s experiences’. Sexual Politics in Higher Education Conference. University of Northumbria.
Hird, M.J. (06/95). ‘Toward a feminist theory of female violence’. Women’s Studies Network Conference, University of Sterling.
Hird, M. J. (10/93). ‘Dating violence in adolescent relationships: implications for schools’. Quebec Ministry of Education PSBGM Teachers Conference, University of Montreal.
Hird, M. J. (02/92). ‘The school counsellor’s role in preventing dating violence’. Montreal School Counsellor Conference, University of Montreal.

Hird, M.J.; Weisbaum, K.; Smith, G.N.; *Kuyvenhoven, C.; and *Scott, R. (10/2012) ‘Translating Knowledge Issues About Women’s Health Research’, Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex, and Health Research, Montreal, QC.
Hird, M.J.; *Canning, C.; Smith, G.N. and Walker, M. (03/09) ‘Capturing the Outcomes and Impacts of Publicly Funded Health Research: Knowledge Translation and Public Understandings of Science Issues Relating to Women’s Postpartum Knowledge of the Relationship Between Pre-Eclampsia and Cardiovascular Risk’, J.A. Law Research Day, Queen’s University.
Hird, M.J. (08/08) ‘Eating Well, Surviving Humanism: Questioning the Focus on the “Human-Animal Bond”’, International Society for Anthrozoology, University of Toronto. Poster.

Public Knowledge Mobilization
I began my contributions to public knowledge mobilization as a Master’s student. Canada’s and other countries’ publics are very interested in waste reduction issues such as GHG emissions, recycling, exporting waste, and other waste, climate change and net-zero issues.
Public Talk:
Friday Lunch Discussion Group, Ottawa
The Wicked Problem of Microplastics and What We Can Do About It
CBC News
Reusable Bags are Piling Up in Landfills. Who Should Fix It?
CBC News
Ottawa's $450M question: To burn our trash or not to burn our trash?
CBC News
How green are those Stanley tumblers that everyone wants thanks to TikTok?
National Observer
Weasel Words and the Age of Climate Delay
YGK News
The Gazette
Art Exhibition Tells a Story
Art exhibition tells a story | Queen's University Faculty of Arts and Science (queensu.ca)
Reflecting on Our Northern Communities
CBC News Network
Federal Court Quashes Cabinet Order Underlying Single Use Plastics Ban​
Global News Canada
YGK News
CBC Listen: What on Earth
Stressed About the Plastic Packaging You Toss? Us too.
Ontario Morning
Consultation, Presentation and Interview:
West Yellowhead Regional Waste Management Authority (Municipality of Jasper, Town of Hinton, Town of Edson, Yellowhead County and MD of Greenview), Alberta
Radio-Canada Toronto
Que Fera Toronto de Ses 450,000 Tonnes de Dechets Annuels ?
CBC’s The Sunday Magazine
Public Talk:
Third Age Learning - York Region
Public Talk:
Eastern Ontario Natural-History Society/Société Paléontologique d’Ottawa (EONS/SPO)
Public Video:
Archives of the Future, Open Space Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf
Public Talk:
AMS Society, Queen’s University Presentation
Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) Presentation
Longpoint Biosphere Podcast
Consultation Presentation and Interview:
Kingston City Council
Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement (BAPE) Presentation to the Government of Quèbec
National Observer
National Observer
The Tyee
The Tyee
Frankfurter Rundschau
Rue 89Lyon
The Hill Times
Yahoo! Canada interview on landfills in Ontario
Ontario’s Big Cities Face Looming Landfill Shortage after change to approval process
Canadian Geographic interview on plastics waste (forthcoming)
CBC News, Canada is asking for more time to enact a promised ban on shipping plastic waste
CBC News
CBC News
Global News
Toronto Star
BBC News, London (UK), interview (forthcoming)
Public Talk:
Gananoque Probus Club, Gananoque, Ontario
Two Church Lunch and Learn Group, Kingston, Ontario
« Regards sur nos déchets » Interview (in French) public broadcast, École Urbaine de Lyon
« L’amont et l’aval de nos déchets » Interview (in French) public broadcast, École Urbaine de Lyon
Monocle Magazine interview
Cityline CITYTV interview
CFRC interview
CBC Marketplace
CTV News
Global News
The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti
Basel Action Network (BAN)
Canadian Horticultural Council magazine
Canadian Geographic
Montréal Gazette
CBC News
Canada partly to blame for trash fracas with Philippines
Global News
Canada can expect more nations to send trash back
Global News
CTV National Network News
Malaysia cracks down on foreign waste from Canada
CBC Online
How does my waste wind up in places like Malaysia and the Philippines?
Popular Science
Chat News Today
City News
Royal Canadian Legion
The Star
https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2019/05/31/experts-call-for-ban-on-waste-exports-after philippine-garbage-embarrassment.html?rf
Suits and Boots
Digital Journal
Squamish Chief
The Hamilton Spectator
Chat News Today
Darpan Magazine
Toronto Sun
Art Installation: University of Toronto Mississauga
‘Canada’s Waste Flow’, The Work of Wind: Air, Land, Sea, The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (SDUK)
CBC interview on waste issues in Canada
Canadian Geographic interview
Art Installation:
Critical Distance Centre for Curators (CDCC)
The Amoebic Workshop: A Submerged Exhibition, Toronto, Canada. ‘Microontologies of Waste’
Art Installation:
‘Waste Stratified, on the Road to Nowhere’. Art installation for Tomás Saraceno and Sasha Englemann’s ‘Monument to the Anthropocene”
(e)Affect Magazine (Queen’s University) interview
CKUT Montreal interview
Kingston Whig Standard
Public meeting:
Café Scientifique panel speaker
Channel Five (UK) and Discovery Health and Channel Four (International) interview
BBC Northern Ireland ‘100 Years of the Census’ documentary
New Zealand Herald ‘Do New Zealand Schools Have a “Culture of Violence”’
Auckland public radio interview
McGill University interview
Montreal Gazette interview

Over the course of my career, I have taught courses and supervised undergraduate and graduate students in Canada, New Zealand, France, Sweden, Finland, Norway, the United Kingdom, the United States and the north of Ireland. I have supervised 52 students (Post-doctoral: 1; PhD: 25; MA/MES: 27) and 15 undergraduate honours theses 15). I have earned teaching excellence awards, and been nominated by my graduate students several times for supervision awards (in Canada, New Zealand and the north of Ireland). At all academic institutions, I consistently score well above my Department/School average in teaching evaluations. In addition to students I have directly supervised, I have served as Examiner for over 20 Masters and PhD candidates in the social sciences, humanities and engineering, in 4 countries.
Current Students:
Alicia Berthiaume PhD candidate. Novel Applications of the National Pollutant
Release Inventory in Sustainability Analysis
Micky Renders PhD candidate. Art Project on Waste Issues in Canada’s Arctic
Gabrielle Dee MES candidate. Re-municipalizing Waste