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Research Grants

Completed – Total = $8,395,741 CAD

Whiteley, Louise; Benard, Adam (Hird, M.J., Collaborator) ‘Microbes on the Mind: Public Perceptions of the Implications of Microbiome Research for Mental Illness’, Velux Foundation, 2017-2021, 5,962,777kr/$1,194,730.


Åsberg, C., Hedrén, J., Neimanis, A. (Hird, M.J., Consortium Member) ‘Environmental Humanities Collaboratory’. The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, and Formas, 2015-2019. $6,448,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘The Seed Box: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory’, Mistra-Formas, 2017-2019, 824,000SEK/$122,255 CAD.


Croy, A. (PI), Graham, C., Tayade, C., Hird, M.J. (Co-investigator) and Smith, G.  Canada-Brazil Collaborative Research Fellowship.  Funded by Queen’s University and UNICAMP, 2011-2016, $186,000 CAD. 


Hird, M.J. Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowship, 2016, $6,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. Undergraduate Student Summer Research Fellowship, 2014, $6,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, The Leverhulme Trust, 2013-2014, $28,092 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) and Rowe, R.K. ‘Citizen Science Solutions to Canadian Waste Management Issues’, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2011-2013, $39,189 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) and Weisbaum, K. ‘Health Research and Society: A Sociological Analysis of Ethical, Public Understanding and Knowledge Translation Issues’, SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2009-2012, $89,695 CAD.


Smith, G.N. (PI), Hird, M.J. (Co-applicant) et al. ‘Improving Long-Term Maternal Health’, CIHR Café Scientifique Program, 2010, $3000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI), Walker, M.J. and Smith, G. ‘Capturing the Outcomes and Impacts of Publicly Funded Health Research’, SSHRC Presidential Fund, 2008-2010, $24,963 CAD.


MacDonald, S. (PI), Hird, M.J. and Smith, G. ‘Contacting Patients for Health Research: Translating Ontario’s PHIPA Provisions into Ethical Practice’ Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation (PSI), 2008-2010, $97,500 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘Contesting neoDarwinism and the Implications for Scholarly and Public Understandings of Structures of Social Relating’. SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2006-2009, $61,445 CAD.


Tepperman, L.(PI) and Hird, M.J. (Co-investigator) ‘The Gambling Research Community’ Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre. 2008-2009, $18,333 CAD.


Hird, M.J. Queen’s University Travel Grant, 2005, $750 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘Governing Reproductive Technologies in Northern Ireland’, British Academy Research Grant, 2003, $5,789 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘The Trouble with Gender: A Genealogical Analysis of Transgenderism’, Faculty of Arts Award, Auckland University, 1999, $26,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) and Abshoff, K. ‘The Choice to be Childfree: A Critical Analysis’, University of Auckland Graduate Research Fund, 1998, $5,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) and O’Neill, T. ‘Masculinity in New Zealand: The Formation, Maintenance and Implications of Male Gender Constructs’, University of Auckland Graduate Research Fund, 1998, $5,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence and the Negotiaton of Gender’, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship, 1994-1996. $18,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence and the Negotiation of Gender’, Overseas Research Scheme, 1993-1996. $9,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. ‘Adolescent Dating Violence and the Negotiation of Gender’, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, 1994, $1,000 CAD.


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