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Research Grants

Operating PI or Co-investigator Total = $677,113 CAD

Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘The Seed Box2: A Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory’, Mistra-Formas, 2020-2022, 370,000SEK/$51,048 CAD


Hird, M.J. (PI) ‘Canada's Northern Waste Future: Colonial Legacies, Contemporary Development, and Future Opportunities’. SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2015-2023. $73,592 CAD. (The highest scoring SSHRC award throughout Canada for the year 2015).


Hird, M.J. (PI), Rowe, R.K. and van Wyck, P. ‘Canada’s Waste Future’, SSHRC Insight Grant, 2013-2023. $344,960 CAD. (The highest SSHRC Insight award at Queen’s University in 2013).


Hird, M.J. (PI) Queen’s University Special Research Award, 2012-, $100,000 CAD.


Hird, M.J. (PI) and Rocher, L. ‘The Waste Atelier: Advancing France-Canada Waste Studies Research’, France Canada Research Fund, 2018-2023, $46,733 CAD.


Rocher, L.; (PI) Garnier, R. and Hird, M.J. (Co-investigator)‘Déchets et territoires périphériques’, Institut des Sciences de l’Homme. 2018-2022, 20,000euros/$30,390 + extension of 20,000/$30,390 CAD.


Operating Collaborator Total = $2,301,126 CAD

Santato, Clara (PI) + 10 Co-applicants + 38 Collaborators (Hird, M.J. Collaborator) ‘Collaborative Research and Training Experience in Sustainable Electronics and Eco-Design: CREATE SEED’, NSERC, 2020-2026, $1,650,000 CAD.


Holmberg, T. Ideland and Helgesson (Hird, M.J. International Partner) ‘Waste work in the sustainability economy: transforming values of biological waste’, The Swedish Research Council, 2018-2023, 4,200,000SEK/$651,126 CAD.


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